The Mastery of Life
Audio Course
A step-by-step process for having life work
This course gives you an awareness and a healing that will
profoundly change the way you live your life

"For the last 30 years, I have been studying the nature of life, love, and how we create our lives. In the process, I have made some fascinating discoveries that have profoundly changed my life and the lives of thousands of others.
These discoveries are explained in the Mastery of Life Audio Course. This course is one of the most important things I have ever done. I would like to share it with you."
- Bill Ferguson
10 CDs and a Workbook - $65
Download the Course - $35
Life doesn't just happen. We create our lives.
Once you discover why your life is the way it is, you can stop repeating the past and create the life you really want.
Problem areas can get resolved, relationships can heal and you can create an incredible life.
The Mastery of Life Audio Course covers every aspect of having life work. It shows, step-by-step, how to have love in every relationship and in every aspect of life. You will learn how to let go, heal hurt, restore inner peace, get your power back, create a great life ...and much more. In relationships, you will learn how to end conflict, remove distance, heal hurt, forgive, resolve disputes, communicate, keep love alive, and more.
- Have love in every aspect of your life
- Let go and resolve problem areas quickly
- End conflict and restore love in any relationship
- Create a life that supports you
- Love yourself
- Have your dreams come true
- Heal the inner issues that sabotage your life
- Get power over your life
- Be free of all guilt and resentment
- Create prosperity and abundance
- Discover your life purpose
- Experience your spirituality
The opportunity of life is to live in the experience of love. When you are in this state, you are happy, alive, and free. You feel good about yourself and good about life. You have a positive attitude. Problem areas clear up and great things happen around you. This is the natural state. This is the essence of who you are. As you bring this forward into your life, you create a life of miracles, a life that will exceed your dreams. This is the purpose of The Mastery of Life Audio Course.

You have everything it takes to create a great life.
You just need to know how.
Order today and start the process!
The cost is $65, or $35 if you download it.
Downloaded audio files are in a MP3 format. The workbook is in a PDF.
10 CDs and a Workbook - $65
Download the Course - $35
Do you have an area of your life that isn't working?
The areas of life that don't work may seem to be the problem, but they are not. They are symptoms of something deeper. If you have a relationship or any other area of life that isn't working, there will always be an underlying condition of resisting or hanging on that is creating the problem.
This underlying condition creates a state of fear, upset, and tunnel vision. It destroys your ability to see clearly and keeps you from finding solutions. It takes away your power. It destroys love and forces you to act in a way that almost always makes your situation worse. Until this underlying condition is found and removed, the problem will continue and you will be forced to repeat the past.
The moment you remove this condition, the tunnel vision loses power. Instantly, you restore your ability to see clearly and can see what needs to be done. Solution begin to appear and the problem area starts clearing up. The Mastery of Life Audio Course shows, step-by-step, how to find and remove these destructive underlying conditions.
For more information, give us a call at 713-520-5370
What others say about The Mastery of Life Audio Course
"I am happier on a daily basis. I look at concerns in a different way and my overall life looks much brighter." - Lori R.
"This course changed my life. It is the most valuable thing I have ever done for myself." - Roger B.
"I saw how I had been sabotaging my life and didn't even know it. Now I have a life that works." - Janice R.
"This course saved my marriage. Once I learned my role in the problem, I was able to do something about it." - Joanne T.
"I can flow with life like never before. Things that used to upset me just don't bother me anymore." - John C.
"For the first time in years, I have made peace with myself. What a wonderful feeling." - Bob B.
"This is the best stuff I have ever heard...very simple and clear, but very true." - Dan C.
10 CDs - Titles and Content:
- How we create our lives
Why certain areas of life don't work
Why we repeat the past - Get your power back
What happens in relationships
How to let go and flow with life - The nature of core issues
How core issues work
We run from an illusion - Finding & healing core issues
Walk through the healing process
Exercises for more healing - Take charge of your life
Clean up your life
Have problem areas clear up
- Heal difficult relationships
Steps for healing any relationship
Be free of guilt & resentment - Keep your love alive
Remove distance & resolve disputes
Ground rules for great relationship - Create prosperity & abundance
Develop a prosperity consciousness
Have your dreams come true - Find your life purpose
The nature of life purpose
An exercise to help find your purpose - Connect with your life force
Discover the essence of spirituality
How to connect with God