If you are in a divorce, considering one, or if you want to save your marriage, you have come
to the right place.

Bill Ferguson shows how to end conflict, heal hurt, forgive, restore cooperation, restore love, resolve disputes, and if necessary, divorce as friends.
This site has everything you need to get through this difficult time.
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Your actions today determine what will happen tomorrow
What you do now determines how your life will be for many years to come. You can either act in a way that ends conflict, heals your relationship, and forwards cooperation, or you can act in a way that creates more pain and suffering. Usually, we create more pain and suffering.

We have so much hurt and resentment, we lose our ability to see clearly. All we can do is fight, resist, hang on, and withdraw. This in turn destroys love and creates a destructive cycle of conflict.
Whether you want to divorce as friends or save your marriage, you need to do the same thing. You need to end the conflict and heal your relationship - not as husband and wife, but as one human being to another. When you do this, everything else takes care of itself. Use this site to learn how. Read the first article
The underlying problem
If you have a painful relationship, or any area of life that isn’t working, there is something under the surface that is creating the problem. This underlying condition creates a state of fear, upset, and tunnel vision. It makes you defensive and destroys love. It keeps you from finding solutions and fuels the cycle of conflict.
Until this condition is found and removed, nothing will change and the problem will continue. Fortunately, the process for finding and removing this condition is relatively easy. The first step is to find what it is and learn how it works. The next step is to heal the hurt that fuels it.
Once you do this, the condition loses power and you become very effective. You restore your ability to see clearly and can see what needs to be done. Solutions appear and this area of your life starts clearing up. Learn more
A Step-By-Step Healing Process
There is a step by step process for ending conflict and healing your relationship. The steps involve growing in your awareness, healing, and taking action. The result is more love, more happiness, and a far more effective, enjoyable life. Use the articles on this site to learn the steps.

Who is Bill Ferguson
Bill has been featured on Oprah and recommended by The Wall Street Journal. As a former divorce attorney, 15% of his clients never divorced and the ones who did were able to part as friends. His book, How To Heal A Painful Relationship, has become a national best seller. The Texas Counseling Association thinks so highly of his work, they asked him to deliver the keynote address at their annual convention. He taught his approach to over 2,300 counselors and therapists. Learn more
How We Can Support You
The articles and videos on this site are valuable, but working with Bill Ferguson can make a profound difference in your life. You can greatly reduce the conflict and suffering. You can heal the hurt, restore your inner peace, and get your power back. You can divorce as friends and maybe even save your marriage. Learn more