A free seminar series
with Bill Ferguson

A free seminar
series with
Bill Ferguson

One-evening programs on how to create a great life

Return To The Heart

Come join us. Have fun, meet new people, and change your life. You can also bring your friends. This is a great way to introduce them to this work. We meet from 7 to 9:30 pm at the La Quinta Inn, 4015 Southwest freeway at Weslayan in Houston. Here is a link to the location on Google Maps. We look forward to seeing you.

Topics, Times & Dates


How to have love in every relationship

7 to 9:30 pm, March 1

Love is never enough to have a relationship work. The divorce courts are full of people who love each other. The key to creating a life of love is to make sure the people in your life feel loved. Unfortunately, we do the opposite. We interact with each other in a way that destroys love and creates conflict. Fortunately, this can easily be avoided. It is possible to have love in all your relationships. Join us and learn how.

How to let go flow with life – The key to being effective

7 to 9:30 pm, April 5

When you are full of fear and upset, you lose your ability to see clearly. You become negative and tend to make your situation worse. When you have inner peace, you see clearly. You are creative and resourceful. You also look in a direction where solutions and opportunity show up. Letting go is the inner action that removes the fear and upset. It restores both your inner peace and your effectiveness. Letting go is one of the most important skills you can ever learn. Join us and learn how.

How to be free of guilt and resentment

7 to 9:30 pm, May 10

Guilt and resentment do lots of damage. They push away love and create suffering. They hold us back and sabotage our lives. Fortunately, they can easily be removed. This is because guilt and resentment are never caused by what happened. They are something we create and since we create them, we can remove them. Join us and learn how.

Find and heal the inner issues that push away love

7 to 9:30 pm, June 14

Every one of us has a hurt from the past that runs our lives today. This hurt makes us defensive. It creates a state of fear, upset and tunnel vision. It destroys love and sabotages our lives. Every relationship, every area of life that doesn’t work, and every self-sabotaging behavior pattern can be traced to the automatic avoidance of this hurt. Finding and healing this hurt is one of the most important things you can ever do. Join us and learn how.

To register, simply let us know that you will be attending and let us know if you are bringing any friends. You can do this by e-mail or by calling us at 713-520-5370.


This free seminar series is a great opportunity to:

  • Create a great life
  • Have fun and meet new people
  • Discover a new possibility for your life
  • Get your power back
  • Have problem areas clear up
  • Discover the essence of who you are
  • Introduce your friends to this work
  • Have love in all your relationships

Receive notice of new seminars

Our plan for this series is to create an environment where people can have fun, meet new people, and work on their lives. To forward this, we created a group on Meetup.com. The name of the group is Mastery of Life with Bill Ferguson.

We invite you to become a member. To do this, go to Meetup.com and search for our group in Houston. Then go to our group page and click the “Join us“ button. You will then be notified whenever we schedule a new seminar.
